Wootton Bassett Chiropractic
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First of all if you are looking for a chiropractor you probably need help for joint pain, or, you may be wondering whether a chiropractor can help you with back pain, neck pain, or shoulder pain. Neck pain can have many causes from stress, tension, strain, sitting in front of a computer all day, to poor posture or simple misuse! Neck pain can be chronic or acute, whatever the cause chiropractic treatment may help.
Chiropractors are concerned with the bones, joints and muscles of the body, the 'musculoskeletal' system.
Problems with the musculoskeletal (muscles and or skeleton including joints) system or boney framework of your body may be caused by accidents, poor posture, stress, sitting at a desk all day or simple misuse, this can result in backpain, neck pain, or general stiffness.
These conditions may become 'chronic' that is you may have had them for a long time or they may be persistant and intermittant, the pains may come and go.
You should allow up to one hour for your first treatment, this is because we need to take a history, carry out some tests, explain what we do, answer any questions you may have, gain your permission and then carry out the treatment.
For more information see here > 1.
There are no restrictions, If you can wear loose comfortable clothes, if not we can supply a gown.
Chiropractic treatment does not usually hurt unless working on an inflammed area, we encourage you to say if you feel any discomfort.
Alexander Technique Teachers use the word 'USE' to describe how we use our bodies and our mind in our daily activities.
In daily life we have to go to work, we sit at computers, drive our cars, walk to the shops, clean the house, and create specific exercise programs; in all these activities we 'use' ourselves.
The way that we 'use' our self becomes habitual and often involves excessive amounts of tension, stress, poor posture, and stiff neck.
The result of these repeated tensions and distortions is neck pain, back pain, headaches, and, perhaps more importantly, we are creating long term problems for ourselves.
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