Brentwood Chiropractic Clinic
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We offer professional, effective care for joint and muscle problems covering all age ranges, from babies to the elderly. By normalising the function of all joints in the body, particularly the spine, chiropractic treatment ensures that the body's nervous system is working optimally and is therefore very effective for a wide range of conditions, which may or may not be painful.

Over the years whenever I have any neck or back problems I return to him for treatment. I have complete trust that Brian's skill as a chiropractor will remedy my condition. He has always been the consummate professional and I have been more than happy to recommend him to members of my family as well as friends. I must take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful treatment that you have given me over the years.

There was many years ago a time that I was told with my back problem that I would never be able to play tennis any more, but you persevered with me to correct my problems, and kept it so with my regular checks, all this I thank you for, and I am ever grateful.
Brentwood Chiropractic Clinic was established in 1988 by Brian Carter, built as an annex in his family home.
Before this he worked in Chelmsford and Central London.
Several other chiropractors have worked with Brian over the years before going on to set up their own practices: Fiona Othen, Amanda Corbishley, Rebecca Willard and Sando Ayad.
We offer professional, effective care for joint and muscle problems covering all age ranges, from babies to the elderly.
Most of our patients hear about the clinic through personal recommendation (as we have seen over 7,000 patients, this is an extensive word-of-mouth network!) but we also receive referrals from local surgeons and GPs.
Your initial consultation at the clinic will take about an hour.
When you first arrive, a short form for personal details will be given to you by the receptionist.
Then your chiropractor will introduce himself.
Our consulting room is private and no other patients are being treated at the same time as you.
A full case history will be taken, not just about the pain or complaint that may have brought you, but also about your past health history.
Some questions may appear irrelevant but they are extremely important to allow your chiropractor to make a diagnosis.
Sacro-occipital Technique (SOT) is a specialist chiropractic method which is concerned with normalising the relationship between the sacrum, at the base of the spine, and the occiput, at the base of the skull.
By making sure both the top and the bottom of the spine are functioning correctly, the entire nervous system can function properly.
In the process, SOT corrects abnormal spinal mechanics and any associated nerve problems.
The nature of the technique means that an SOT chiropractor can integrate large amounts of information to diagnose the underlying cause of your problems and correct them.
We're here for you when you need us!
Call us to schedule an appointment, or send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
The clinic location close to The Brentwood Centre makes access easy, whether you arrive by car, bus or train.
We have free off-road car parking on the forecourt.
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