Steven Bond DC MChiro BA
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Steven Bond DC MChiro BA
Mind your posture. Chiropractors are often asked for advice on the selection of beds and mattresses and, in truth, there is no one solution that. Mind Your Posture: Bags Advice from the British Chiropractic Association on the dangers of that big bag! Large handbags are a fashion. Advice from the British Chiropractic Association on the perfect PC posture At home, at school or college, at work, or on the move, .

As a nation, we love our gardens and spend a considerable amount of time and money on them. As we rush to get those jobs in the garden. Controlling food intake is one of the easiest ways to ensure good health and can help with depression, anxiety, IBS, migraine, fibromyalgia and many. Pain is the leading cause of physical and psychological suffering in the UK, with up to 50% of the population experiencing ongoing chronic persistent.
Controlling food intake is one of the easiest ways to ensure good health and can help with depression, anxiety, IBS, migraine, fibromyalgia and many other symptoms.
The York Test (Lorisian) is now available in Mansfield, through a simple finger prick blood test, we send the sample to a reputable laboratory where Lorisian (otherwise known as The York Test) can measure food specific IgG antibody reactions to 208 food and drink ingredients - identifying which ones may need to be eliminated from your diet.
This is an incredible way to maximise your gut health and can follow on from the food intolerance test ideally, but taken on in its own right.
The brand new 6-week Gut Transformation Programme is an intensive gut clearance protocol which aims to support patients with unpleasant, nagging gut-related issues they may have been suffering with for years.
Until now, the digestive system has been largely overlooked and neglected by the conventional medical world, but there does slowly seem to be a changing attitude among health professionals.
Almost everyone gets back pain at some time, but staying active, with the help of chiropractic treatment, may well be the best solution.
Chiropractors treat problems with your joints, bones and muscles, and the effects they have on your nervous system.
Working on all the joints of your body, concentrating particularly on the spine, they use their hands to make gentle, specific adjustments (the chiropractic word for manipulation) to improve the efficiency of your nervous system and release your body's natural healing ability.
Your neck supports the weight and movement of your head - quite a job, since an adult's head can weigh between ten and fourteen pounds!
It also contains the vast majority of nerves that reach from your brain to the rest of your body, like a pipe full of fibre-optic cables.
With the amount of driving, computer work and TV watching that most of us do, it's not surprising that we need a little chiropractic help to keep our necks doing their job properly.
The further away from your body you hold something, the heavier it feels.
Headaches are so common that almost everyone takes the odd one now and again for granted, but you may be suffering more than you can cope with.
Did you know that chiropractors treat many of the causes of headaches?
Chiropractic may help to relieve tightness in your neck muscles due to stress and tension in your neck, shoulders and back.
Chiropractic may also be very effective in the treatment of headaches that are the result of an injury or repetitive strain to your neck (known as cervicogenic headaches).
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