Exeter Chiropractic Clinic
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Exeter Chiropractic Clinic
At Exeter Chiropractic Clinic we specialise in helping people to enjoy life more by reducing pain levels and improving mobility. We have a warm and welcoming atmosphere, allowing you to receive excellent care in a comfortable environment. Exeter Chiropractic Clinic prides itself on delivering a highly specialised, patient centred Chiropractic service to people from Exeter, Devon and surrounding areas.

We are extremely proud that our patients rate are service so highly, that the vast majority of new patients are their family and friends. Our chiropractors are highly trained and constantly seeking to improve their skills; in the last six months they have been on courses including rock taping, myofascial release techniques, paediatric nutrition and childhood development and learning disorders.

Exeter Chiropractic Clinic was established in 1984 by Giles Jackson, to provide the best Chiropractic care in Exeter. All Dr Jackson's and the late Dr Mathieson's patient records, including medical imaging, have been transferred to Sara Ireland to maintain continuity of care.
Chiropractic is a primary health-care profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and overall management of conditions that are due to problems with the joints, ligaments, tendons and nerves, especially related to the spine.
Chiropractors have broad diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nutritional and dietary advice.
The treatment concept of chiropractic is to re-establish normal spinal mobility, which in turn alleviates the irritation to the spinal nerve and/or re-establishes altered reflexes.
It may be helpful to bring a list of your symptoms to ensure that nothing is forgotten or missed.
If you have already had investigations at the hospital it may help to bring the details with you.
Following the case history, we will conduct a thorough examination.
This will consist of a range of orthopaedic, neurological, biophysical and other examinations which are specifically chiropractic orientated.
If required, X-Rays are normally requested via your GP and we normally refer requests for MRI scans to Somerset MRI at Bridgewater.
It was originally developed for NASA and was designed to measure changes in the spinal muscles of astronauts.
When there is nerve interference present, muscles will fire to compensate for this, and create an abnormal pattern of muscle firing.
This is seen as bars on a graph in the MyoVision software.
Although chiropractors are best known for treating back and neck pain, which they do very well, patients also consult chiropractors regarding a range of other, related conditions.
This information provides instant biofeedback on the musculoskeletal condition of our patients.
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