McTimoney College Of Chiropractic
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The McTimoney College of Chiropractic is the only institution offering chiropractic programmes particularly focused on those who wish to continue working while studying. With expansion of the College in recent years through growing demand, McTimoney chiropractors now represent over one quarter of the UK chiropractic profession. This section includes information about the College, the programmes it delivers and the McTimoney chiropractic method.

If you would like to find out more, please contact Admissions, or contact the College at the address below. Last week we were delighted to host our much delayed Graduation Ceremony which should have happened. The McTimoney College of Chiropractic is delighted to announce a series of webinars focused on the.
As long ago as 400 BC, Hippocrates recognised the importance of the spine in relation to health.
The father of medicine advised: "Acquire knowledge of the spine, for this is requisite to understanding many diseases."
It was not until 1895 that Daniel D. Palmer of Davenport, Iowa, founded what was to develop into the Chiropractic movement that is spreading throughout the world today.
His premise was that no cell or organ can function correctly without its full supply of nerve impulses.
Daniel D. Palmer introduced the term 'chiropractic' to mean adjustments of the bones made by the hands alone, from the Greek words 'kheir' meaning 'hand' and 'praktikos' meaning 'done by'.
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Last week we were delighted to host our much delayed Graduation Ceremony which should have happened.
The McTimoney College of Chiropractic is delighted to announce a series of webinars focused on the.
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Last week we were delighted to host our much delayed Graduation Ceremony which should have happened.
The McTimoney College of Chiropractic is delighted to announce a series of webinars focused on the.
Chiropractic is a drugless and non-surgical form of health care.
Chiropractors are concerned with the framework of bones and muscles that support the body (the musculoskeletal system) and the problems associated with it caused by accident, stress, lack of exercise, poor posture, illness and every day wear and tear.
Chiropractic is widely recognised as a key part of the healthcare system, with its emphasis on a holistic or whole body approach in addition to a sound understanding of medical and scientific implications of the work.
For more than 40 years, those trained in McTimoney animal techniques have been helping horses, dogs, cats and farm animals - the range of animals treated has even widened to include some 'exotic' species.
Again, the whole body is assessed and treated to eliminate the cause, not just to deal with the symptoms.
Treatment requires the approval of the owner's veterinary surgeon and a growing number of vets now refer cases to a McTimoney trained animal practitioner.
The College runs the only Masters level programme teaching chiropractic techniques for animals, and as such is viewed as the premier programme of its kind in the world.
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