Lichfield Chiropractic Clinic
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Attitudes towards healthcare are dramatically changing. Individuals and families are no longer prepared to simply use medication to suppress their symptoms and consequently are searching for other solutions. Following on from the success of Tamworth Chiropractic Clinic and in response to the growing demand for chiropractic healthcare, Chiropractors Laura Cookson and Matthew Clancy have taken their experience of over 10 years of clinical practice to open Lichfield Chiropractic Clinic in 2010.

Our team of chiropractors believes the identification of the underlying cause of pain is paramount. We are skilled in the examination and diagnosis of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system and have at our disposal a number of diagnostic techniques including MRI and on-site digital x-ray. Such accurate diagnosis then facilitates the use of appropriate evidence based treatment protocols to correct the problem and then provide solutions for longer-term prevention as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Almost everyone gets back pain at some time, but staying active, with the help of chiropractic treatment, may well be the best solution.
Repeating daily activities such as bending, lifting and twisting may result in a 'bad back'.
This is why your chiropractor will want to understand how you tackle these everyday movements.
As you go through life, a slight loss of proper movement of the bones/joints can interfere with the healthy working of your spine, and the nerves that pass through it.
These can lead to pain.
Chronic non-traumatic neck pain has been associated with neck posture.
It was found that patients with non-traumatic neck pain that became chronic are more likely to have an anterior head carriage (forward head posture).
Neck pain can be caused by ergonomics and posture through loading into joints and uneven muscle use.
Check workstation positions.
Try to keep your spine in a neutral position throughout working.
Stress can be a factor in neck pain with many people holding stress and tension through their shoulders, this causes some muscle tightness and increased the loading into facets.
Headaches are so common that almost everyone takes the odd one now and again for granted, but you may be suffering more than you can cope with.
Did you know that chiropractors treat many of the causes of headaches?
Chiropractic may help to relieve tightness in your neck muscles due to stress and tension in your neck, shoulders and back.
Another example is grinding teeth causing muscle tension which may be a major factor in chronic headaches.
Stress may often be the trigger of cervicogenic headaches and muscular pain occurring from the neck.
Like tooth decay, degeneration of your joints begins without you knowing.
Like the hard skin on an often-rubbed toe, it happens -slowly - to all of us.
The general wear and tear of a lifetime results in joints laying down extra areas of bone in an attempt to support the damaged area.
Generally, our bodies compensate for this, and we feel little or no pain - even if the wear and tear is quite advanced.
However, slight loss of proper movement in a worn joint may cause nerve irritation and inflammation, which could lead to pain.
When a runner injures a calf midway through a race, or a footballer pulls a hamstring as he kicks the ball in the same way he has kicked it thousands of times before, it may not be the running or the kicking that has caused the injury - but an underlying problem that is finally showing itself.
Whether it is a previously undetected spine or joint problem, or years of poor posture, the resulting injury could potentially signal the end of a sporting career.
Injury is not the only problem for sports enthusiasts and professionals.
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