Reflex Health
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Reflex Health
Being stressed and over-worked can increase back pain, headaches, and shoulder problems. Chiropractors address work-related pain through posture correction, ergonomic advice and exercise therapy. From babies to the elderly, your health is your most valuable possession. Chiropractors help relieve pain, restore health and improve the quality of life in each of your family members.

During pregnancy, extra loads on the spine and pelvis can cause pain and stiffness. Gentle chiropractic care helps prepare your body for its new state, pre and post pregnancy. Fitness fanatics and sports professionals use chiropractic as part of their training regime and rehabilitation. By correcting balance and alignment, we can improve performance and recovery for optimum health and fitness.

Our premium health and wellness service has seen international clients from all over the world benefitting with unbelievable results. Dr. Ari Mihailidis Dr Ari Mihailidis, Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractors (BAppSc, BChiroSc, ICSSD, DNSP, FRCC) is a graduate of RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.
Chiropractic is a system of healthcare which helps many disorders, Chiropractors help restore your health and keep you at your optimal.
At Reflex Health Chiropractors, based in Mayfair, our purpose is to restore your health and improve your overall well-being.
We take a holistic approach to get you healthy and keep you that way.
Our chiropractors tailor your care to help you with back pain, neck pain, headaches from babies, families corporate and the elderly.
We also use a combination of Chiropractic and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization which may benefit patients and help in the management of children and adults with dyspraxia, neuro-disabilities, cerebral palsy, spinal cord and head injuries.
DNS is a unique rehabilitation approach which achieves exciting levels of improved function.
It is an overall therapy rather than a technique and involves treatment, advice and exercise strategies.
It stimulates the brain's control centre for stabilisation and restores ideal postures, movements and muscle tone.
Our unique approach linking chiropractic care with DNS therapy has helped patients with back pain, neck pain, headaches, hip and leg pain and shoulder and arm conditions.
Based upon neuro-developmental and rehabilitation principles, DNS has a great success rate over traditional techniques used for babies and adults.
Reflex Health Chiropractors are renowned for combining holistic chiropractic healthcare with a longstanding tradition of dedicated care in the UK.
To us, every client is an individual, and you can expect the clinic to respect your dignity, privacy and religious and cultural beliefs at all times.
We have a strong reputation for those seeking excellence in Chiropractic services to improve their health and wellbeing by providing current techniques and expertise for tailored treatment plans.
We utilise an internationally recognised therapy called DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilisation) and are the first leading chiropractic clinic to be certified in the UK.
Working in the competitive London market can put huge mental and physical stresses and strains on corporates health and wellbeing.
Whether you are an individual or a business wanting to improve health & safety in the workplace, corporate chiropractors can benefit you.
Back pain, neck pain and headaches are recognised as the leading cause of absenteeism in the workplace, resulting in huge costs to companies from staff unable to work.
We work in partnership with companies to reduce absenteeism, improve staff productivity and empower staff to take preventative and pro-active measures to protect and improve their overall health and well-being.
When people think of Chiropractic care, they generally think of adults with back pain.
These are comments we get in the clinic when a child or baby comes to be treated.
While it is true that adults receive more chiropractic care than other age groups, everyone stands to benefit from this treatment.
Our chiropractors adjust the spine to improve function and pain, however the benefits of chiropractic for all ages from the elderly through to babies is vast.
Chiropractic is a safe, efficient means to maintain a healthy body for patients of all ages.
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