Morag Pine Chiropractor
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Chiropractic treatment is a method of improving skeletal alignment by adjusting the bones in your body. These adjustments help relieve pain and discomfort, enabling the nervous system to work more effectively and improve mobility. The McTimoney method of chiropractic uses gentle, precise, low force adjustments making it suitable for people of all ages, including babies, pregnant women and the elderly.

Developed by John McTimoney over 50 years ago, the McTimoney method is recognised as being a gentle, precise whole body approach to chiropractic care. This means the entire body is treated not just the affected area. McTimoney chiropractic uses quick, gentle and accurate adjustment to ensure a comfortable treatment method.
Your initial appointment will last for approximately 1 - 1 1/2 hours.
During this time a detailed history of your condition will be taken, plus a full medical history.
It would be helpful if you could recall any accidents, injuries, operations you may have had in the past, also any medications you are taking.
An assessment of general health, and previous conditions will be conducted.
Following this, with your permission a physical examination of the area of your body that is causing your problems will be performed followed by appropriate neurological and orthopaedic tests to establish what the problem is.
The clinic is situated at my house in Harrow Road, off Standbridge Road, Leighton Buzzard.
Harrow Road can be accessed from the A505 (bypass) by taking the A4012 into town, and turning right at the roundabout on to Standbridge Road before you reach Morrisons.
Turn right at the first mini roundabout onto Harrow Road and follow the road to the right.
If you are travelling along West Street from the town centre, go straight on at the roundabout towards Morrisons.
After Morrisons turn left at the roundabout on to Standbridge Road.
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