Corrective Chiropractic
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Corrective Chiropractic
Corrective Chiropractic are structural chiropractors dedicated to the health and well-being of our patients in Aylesbury and Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. We strive to deliver measured improvements to our clients from the local community and surrounding areas, to improve spinal health. We are structural chiropractors who work with our patients to produce measured improvements in health and wellbeing by focusing on guiding the spine back towards it's normal position.

We realise that no one has perfect spinal alignment, and we do not expect patients to have textbook normal alignment, but there is a normal range for the spine (just like a normal range for blood pressure) and this is what we work towards. Our on-site digital X-rays allow us to take the most detailed imaging of your spine without having to wait for long NHS or costly private referrals.

By using x-ray technology (when clinically required) we are able to determine exactly what your spine health is like without the guess work.
Your first appointment with a chiropractor will start with a discussion about your problem or condition.
They will ask about your medical history, diet and lifestyle, before carrying out a thorough physical examination.
Corrective Chiropractic will combine information gained from your questionnaire, previous history, examination findings and then meet you again to discuss these findings to create a treatment plan for you.
The plan will highlight what we aim to achieve in partnership with you and targets will be set.
Back pain can be triggered by doing work we're not used to, like 4 hours of gardening or something simply like sneezing or picking up a pen from the floor.
So how is it that the body, which is otherwise super resilient gives into back pain at times?
The simple answer is that it's not that single instant that caused the issue, but rather the accumulative effect of all activity, poor posture, falls and trips up till that point.
At that specific point you felt the pain because your body surpassed a certain threshold.
Sciatica can be extremely debilitating and make you feel much older than you are.
Sciatica is actually caused by irritation the sciatic nerve.
This is normally caused by an inflammatory condition from pressure being applied to the nerve through a prolapsed disc, nerve impingement, overly tight muscles, a misaligned vertebrae, rotated or misaligned pelvis, sacro-iliac joint.
The sciatic nerve branches out from the lower back all the way into the feet.
It is both the thickest and longest nerve in the body.
The neck is a fairly sensitive area and the second most common issue patients come to see us about.
The cervical vertebrae are tightly packed and there are nerves and veins running through and in between the structure.
Some people develop issues through their professional life.
Like the office clerk who holds the phone between their cheek and shoulder or the chef who is always bent over the chopping board.
Others develop neck pain through sport injuries or accidents which can cause a sudden and dramatic change in the structure.
Headaches can range from slightly unpleasant to highly uncomfortable and in some cases affect our ability to think straight.
As chiropractors we are particularly interested in muscular-skeletal imbalances through things like poor posture or structural changes and neurological imbalances caused by nerve impingement or disruption.
The latter reduces brain body communication and can cause nerve irritation which can cause pain to radiate out to other areas such as the head.
In extreme cases a severe headache may progress into a migraine.
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