Chiropractic Wellness Centre
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Chiropractic Wellness Centre
Discover how great you and your family can feel with natural, effective, wellness-based chiropractic care! You'll be right at home and ready to heal in our warm and friendly environment. Back pain can affect us all throughout our lives, but it doesn't have to be debilitating. With __ years of experience, you'll be in safe hands at Chiropractic Wellness Centre as we guide you through our gentle exercises to get you back on your feet again in no time.

If you're a frequent sufferer of headaches or migraines, we can help. Let us help you ease your pain and reduce the frequency of your migraines with tried-and-tested chiropractic methods with scientifically-proven results. Pregnancy is a special time for everyone - avoid the unnecessary aches and pains, and make your pregnancy as smooth as possible with regular check-ins at our centre.

Chiropractic Wellness Centre takes a holistic approach to health and wellbeing by specializing in functional spinal rehabilitation, nutrition and movement. We treat everyone as an individual.
The ethos at Chiropractic Wellness Centre is based on the foundation that every individual can experience greater health and vitality in life by making the commitment to continually invest in their body's well being as it is the only place through which we live every second of our lives.
This ethos developed from Rekha's own health challenges over many years and the numerous paths she has taken to improve her health and well-being but somehow all roads always lead her back to Chiropractic and functional health.
The nervous system consists of your brain, spinal cord and all your nerves.
The most significant parts of your nervous system are protected by bone.
Your brain is protected by your skull and your spinal cord is covered by the moving bones of your spinal column.
It is the most vital system of your body.
It functions to coordinate and regulate all the other systems of your body as well as help you adapt to your environment.
If your nervous system were to be impaired, interfered with or compromised so nerve messages to or from your brain were distorted, parts of your body may not work as intended.
This is the first video in our animated series for practice members.
In this clip we outline what a chiropractor does, then we briefly explore the evidence-informed effects of care.
Did you know that scientists have found the feeling of pain is something your brain decides you should experience if it believes there is a problem?
In this animation we look at what chronic pain is, and what you can do about getting rid of it.
We look at how all of the body's senses work and how your brain interprets them, in particular with regards to the pre front cortex and pain signals.
Your personal data is kept secured on our servers, Wellness Centre will NOT send your data to any third party.
I have had 6 appointments and already have seen 70% improvement.
I am now part way through my treatment and have reduced to weekly sessions with Rekha.
Initially the treatment was quite painful, but now is much less painful.
I have much more movement and flexibility.
I find Rekha incredibly knowledgeable, friendly and professional, she really took time to find out about me and what I do, in order to understand my back problems.
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