Tony Worton is a fully qualified Chiropractor. My philosophy is to inspire and empower you and your family to take a pro-active approach to your health and improving your quality of life by providing McTimoney Chiropractic treatments and FREE advice. McTimoney Chiropractic treatments can provide a gentle but effective relief for many types of back pain
Chiropractic is a registered primary health care profession. Chiropractors are trained to diagnose, treat, manage and prevent disorders of the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints and muscles) with a special interest in neck and back pain. Chiropractors are trained in using manipulation to free stiff or restricted joints. Treatment may also include
Discover how great you and your family can feel with natural, effective, wellness-based chiropractic care! You'll be right at home and ready to heal in our warm and friendly environment. If pain and discomfort have been preventing you from living life to the fullest, we want to help you get on the path towards feeling great! We believe in providing
The safety of our patients and practitioners is of upmost importance. We kindly request that you only attend the clinic if you have a pre-arranged appointment, and it is deemed safe for you to do so. In order to maintain social distancing measures, we are running the clinic on minimal staff. We endeavour to answer telephone messages and emails within